Worship at “The SUB”

Here at Suburban Community Church, we desire to bring you into a stronger love of the Lord and a deeper worship of Him. We sincerely worship, not because it’s expected of us, but because it truly comes from our heart. How Great You Are Website Banner

We praise and worship to a full line up of songs, although most of them are contemporary and many of them you will hear if you listen to K-LOVE (98.3FM).

People clap, praise enthusiastically, lift their hands, and even
shout once in a while. Our God deserves more praise than
a sports team and we aren’t ashamed of it!!

The main focus of why we “sing praises” or “lift our hands” is to
powerfully  springboard our faith to seek the ONE we are singing about…..these aren’t just words, they are a prayer from our heart,
what we would say if we were “face to face” with Jesus!
Do you play an instrument?
Do you love singing and want to worship & praise the Lord?
Do you have experience on a sound board?
Would you like to be a video tech?
Let us know and we will find a place for you on our team.